Calendars and Thinking Logically
By Fred C. Smith and Brant Abrahamson
The Teachers’ Press
The following is the
student text for two short and enlightening lessons. The material may be
freely photocopied for your students as the basis for a one- or two-period
study session.
The first lesson
(Centuries and Millennia) shows major religious and secular concerns that,
in various ages, combined to produce the calendar with which we have
recently begun “a new millennium.” The lesson is designed to combat
“calendar occultism”—the irrational belief that mystical powers are
associated with numbers.
The second lesson
(Days, Weeks, Months and Years) focuses on the mathematical “messiness” of
the earth’s journey around the sun (and the moon’s monthly trip around the
earth). The complex interplay of physical phenomena, religion and science is
an exciting interdisciplinary study.
The complete study
material includes, in addition to this student narrative, a teacher’s text
that is annotated (and heavily footnoted) in a spiral bound manual, with
background, timeline, questions for extended discussion, multiple choice
questions, and oral presentation material on Julius Caesar, Constantine,
Dionysus Exiguus, and Pope Gregory XIII.
You may order the
complete booklet for this free mini-lesson (mailing costs only) from The
Teachers’ Press using the
order form. We hope it will encourage you to examine our more
inclusive units, each of which is designed to be taught over a two- to
four-week period.
Part One: Centuries and
'What year is it?" Most
Americans--even quite young children--can almost immediately answer this
question. They wouldn't ponder because our calendar is taken for granted. We
"naturally" use it to determine schedules, calculate age, make loan payments
and plan for the future. As we become educated we expand our historical
horizons and understand that our calendar had a "starting point" about 2,000
years ago. We know that from this starting point most people count forward
in "A.D." times and backward in "B.C." eras.
Further, we understand that
other calendars exist. Most know of the age-old Chinese calendar. We're
annually reminded of it during Chinese New Year celebrations. We learn
that they celebrate the "Year of the Rabbit" (1999) and other creatures in a
twelve-year cycle that extends back more than 5,000 years. If we are
followers of Islam or have studied the faith, we know the Muslim calendar
begins with Muhammad's flight from Mecca to Medina in 622 A.D. (by "our"
Despite this intellectual
understanding that a calendar is a human tool, many folks have superstitious
beliefs linked to it. They see specific dates (days and years) as having
magical powers in the same way they view four-leaf clovers or broken
One frequent scary time is
Friday the 13th of any month. Another that seems especially frightful right
now has to do with the year 2,000 A.D. These fears go far beyond the
so-called Y2K two digit computer problems currently being corrected. So,
what's the origin of the calendar that says the current year is number
"1999"? Would people with occult-type beliefs about the "year 2000"--the
"New Millennium"--be so concerned if they knew how this numbering of years
came about? We'll see.
Origins of our Calendar
Generally speaking, people
link their calendar to some important event in their history. The Chinese
calendar is linked to what they believed to be the first Chinese Dynasty,
and Muslims use an event in Muhammad's life. Much the same thing happened in
Christian Europe.
Our way of numbering years
was created around 1,470 years ago. Before this, the "Julian" calendar was
used in the Roman Empire. Julius Caesar knew the existing system had flaws,
and he wanted to develop a more accurate calendar. When he defeated Pompey's
forces in Egypt (46 B.C.), he linked up with Cleopatra who was an
intelligent and educated woman. She told him of her country's superior ways
of measuring time, and had one of Egypt's expert astronomers meet with them.
After returning to Rome, Julius Caesar started his reform based on what he
had learned.
Caesar's new calendar had a
cycle of three 365-day years followed by a fourth year of 366-days--the
"leap year." The starting point of his calendar--the Julian
calendar--retained the (legendary) founding of the city of Rome centuries
before. It went into effect in 709 a.u.c. (ab urbe condita--from the city's
Much later--after
Christianity was made a state religion in the Roman Empire under Constantine
(306-337 A.D.)--Christians began to want calendar years that referred to
something of religious significance to them. The critical event for "our"
calendar occurred about 200 years after Constantine--when Pope John I asked
Dionysius Exiguus to determine when Easter celebrations would be held in the
coming decades. This was a difficult task since it involved the moon's
phases coordinated to solar years. Dionysius, a Church abbot, was selected
because he was trained in mathematics and astronomy. He started work on his
calendar of Easters in (what would be) 525 A.D.
The calendar that
emerged--our basic system for numbering years--included the Julian
calendar's 12 months and Constantine's 7-day weeks. It was the product of
Church politics along with Dionysius's scholarship and guesswork.
The politics involved its
starting point. Some Christians of Dionysius' time already were using a
"Years of the Martyrs" calendar commemorating their last great Roman
persecution under Emperor Diocletian. It was called the "anno Diocletiani"
calendar, and its dating started when Diocletian became emperor in (what
would be) 284 A.D.
Other Christians wanted the
calendar based on Jesus' life. By Dionysius' time, most believed Jesus had
been born divine, so basing the Church calendar on his birth made sense to
them. It was the central historical point of their religion! However, fixing
a date for the birth of Jesus was difficult. New Testament authors would
have known of Roman and Jewish calendars, but these writers give no dates.
Perhaps they thought dating was insignificant. Most believed that the
existing times were about to end, and the "Millennium" was near--when Jesus
would return and rule the world. Probably they didn't know when Jesus had
been born since the earliest Gospel birth accounts of the birth were written
more than 80 years later.
At any rate, Dionysius
calculated that Jesus was born 525 years before the time that Pope John I
asked him to make the calendar of Easters. That placed Jesus' birth close to
the beginning of the year 754 a.u.c. Dionysius's first "year of the Lord"
(Year One anno Domini--1 A.D.) corresponded to the Roman year 754 a.u.c.
Apparently there was a
lapse in Biblical scholarship. The authors of the Matthew and Luke Gospels
state that Herod was King of Judea at Jesus's birth, and Herod's death
turned out to have been 750 a.u.c. According to these Gospels, therefore,
Jesus had to have been born over four years before the 1 A.D. date!
In addition, the Matthew
author says that King Herod was afraid of the baby Jesus and ordered male
children two years and younger in the area to be killed. (Mary, Joseph and
Jesus escaped by going to Egypt according to the account.) If accepted as
history, Jesus may have been born nearly two years prior to Herod's death.
This is why church historians say Jesus's birth was between 4 and 6 years
"Before Christ."
Christians gradually
accepted the "A.D." calendar over the next few hundred years. It became the
basis for dating religious celebrations and secular events.
When the errors in figuring
Jesus's birth were realized, it seemed too late to correct them. Most people
were unconcerned anyway. Their lives weren't affected very much.
The "Year One" Problem
Dionysius began his
calendar with the year one. He couldn't begin it with "0"--such as we
use--because there is no zero in Roman numerals. Roman "numerals" are
actually letters: I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, etc., along with
L for fifty, C for a hundred, D for five hundred, M for a thousand. The
first century had to start with anno Domini I and end with C [100]. The
second century thus began with the year 101 just as our 20th century began
in 1901. As far as counting years is concerned, the 21st Century will begin
in 2001.
"Arabic" numerals with the
concept of zero were devised by Hindu/Indian scholars in South Asia sometime
in the distant past. Arab Muslims brought them west and improved them, but
they didn't become widespread in Europe until about the time of Christopher
Columbus. What we write as 1000 A.D. was known then as the "M", or
millennium year.
The Present Day
This brings us to our own
"millennium times." Ancient Christian politics along with Dionysius' errors
and calculation limitations are important to remember if religious
significance is attached to the year 2000.
If we're measuring the time
since Jesus was born--which Dionysius was trying to do--the third millennium
already has begun! The "true" year 2000 A.D.--2000 years after the birth of
Jesus has already passed! If other groups of Christians had won the
political battles, we wouldn't be "facing the millennium" at this time. It
would be very far into the future if we were still using the "anno
Diocletiani" calendar.
As you see, our calendar
has no cosmic origin or significance. What we will call the year 2,000 is
the result of a variety of almost accidental happenings. It was developed in
chaotic times by Christians using Roman numerals who believed Jesus was the
Christ--the world's savior--when he was born. But other notable times in
early church history also were considered as starting points.
As a final note, this
calendar is now used world-wide. Christian Europe's great political and
economic power beginning about 1500 A.D. accounts for this fact.1 As one
might expect, many non-Christians find the B.C. ("Before Christ") and A.D. (anno
Domini --"In the Year of Our Lord") symbols objectionable. As a result,
there's been a gradual change to "C.E." (common or current era) and "B.C.E."
(before the common era). The numbering system, though, is exactly the same.
"B.P." (before the present time) also is used for very ancient dating as is
"Ma" which stands for "millions of years."
Part Two: Days, Weeks, Months and Years
The "365 Day" Issue
Dionysius' "A.D." calendar
continued to use Julius Caesar's system of having three periods of 365 days
each followed by a fourth "Leap Year." This system worked okay for quite a
while, but a solar year is about 11 minutes shorter than 365.25 days. The
earth completes its orbit around the sun, but the Julian calendar is not
quite over! As the years pass, the "left over" minutes become left over
hours. After several hundred years the calendar was off by days! Real
solstices and equinoxes came before their designated calendar dates. What to
Finally, in 1582--about a
thousand years after Dionysius--a correction was devised. A committee of
European experts who had been working on the problem convinced Pope Gregory
XIII to use his power to correct things. They succeeded. In 1582 Gregory
decreed a 10-day skip--from October 5 to October 15--so the calendar would
have solstices and equinoxes in accord with astronomic observations.
The committee also "fine
tuned" the Leap Year rule. The extra day (February 29) wouldn't be added in
century "double zero" years--except when divisible by 400. For example, the
year 1600 was divisible by 400 so it was a Leap Year, but not 1700, 1800 or
1900. Year 2000 will have a February 29 as did 1600. This keeps the
calendar accurate. It's now off by an average of only seconds per year, and
there are rules for that.
Our calendar is sometimes
called the "Gregorian calendar" since it was adjusted by experts at the time
of Pope Gregory XIII. But like Dionysius's calendar, it took some time for
the Gregorian revisions to be widely accepted even in many Christian lands.
The Protestant Reformation
was taking place, and these leaders wouldn't accept decrees from the Roman
Pope. For instance, the English (Church of England) were battling Catholic
Spain and France. English-controlled lands--America included--refused to
officially accept the Gregorian calendar.
When change finally came in 1752, their old calendar was 11 days behind.
To catch up, all days between September 2nd and September 14th, 1752 were
omitted. This was during George Washington's time, and he was born on
February 11th, 1731 by the existing "old style" calendar. The Feb. 22nd
birthday was calculated on the new calendar. Fortunately, corrections were
made before the American Revolution. Otherwise, July 4, 1776, wouldn't be
July 4th today!
Russia continued the old
system until after the Communists took over. The Czars and most Russians
belonged to the Orthodox Christian Church which historically looked to
Constantinople for leadership, not Catholic Rome. The two branches of the
church had grown apart and split in 1054 A.D. Russians--like western
Protestants--rejected the "Pope's calendar" and continued to do so as long
as the Czars ruled. Therefore, when Lenin and his Communist Party staged
their 1917 "October Revolution", it was by the old calendar--as Washington's
birthday had been. When they later adopted the Gregorian calendar, they had
to celebrate their "October Revolution" in November!
The cycle of years is
determined by the earth's position relative to the sun. A solar year is
one earth-orbit around the sun. There are two solstices and two equinoxes.3
Even early peoples who believed the earth was stationary--with the sun,
moon, planets, and stars revolving around it--observed solar years, and they
divided them up in various ways. Our month and week divisions are one way of
doing this. These are arbitrary, or human- made.
After Julius Caesar's
calendar reform, Romans had a 12-month year with the odd circumstance that
the ending "numbered months" were different from their numbers! September
(from the Latin word for seven) had become the 9th month, October (8) had
become the 10th month, November (9) was the 11th, and December (10) was the
12th. It happened this way: March originally had been the first month of a
10 month year. Then there was a switch to twelve months with January and
February added; the year still beginning with March (although not March lst).
The Julian calendar changed the order of the months. The new year now began
with January. This left September, October, November and December as
numbered months not corresponding to their numbers. Apparently the Romans
(including Dionysius) weren't bothered by this.
Are these ancient
flip-flops important? Well, we do continue to abide by them. More important
perhaps, they provide abundant evidence that calendars are human-made things
based upon very human considerations, calculations and errors.
A Week and its Days
The seven-day week system
was ancient even when Julius Caesar ruled. Originally it may have been a
crude division of the moon's cycle (of 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.8
seconds). Or, it may have come from ancient astrology. The names of days in
Mediterranean cultures east through Mesopotamia all refer to the gods of the
solar system bodies people could see. In whatever language, these were
deities associated with the sun, moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and
Emperor Constantine (324 to
337 A.D.) formalized Sunday as the first day of the 7-day week largely for
political reasons. Sol--the sun--was still worshiped by many Romans.
Constantine pleased these people as well as Christians. According to
Biblical accounts, Jesus was crucified on the sixth day of the Jewish week
and rose from the dead on the first day of the next week--a Sunday. As a
consequence, for a long time Christians had gathered together on this day to
share a meal, the Eucharist.
Our names for the days of the week are Anglo-Saxon
words for solar-system gods. Is this another oddity? One might think
Christian leaders would have been unhappy about continuing to honor old
"pagan" deities. However, from earliest times they accommodated practices of
other cultures to gain acceptance and make conversions.
Part One: Questions and Projects
1. When did you celebrate
the new millennium? Why then?
2. What year would it be
now if "anno Diocletiani" calendar supporters had won? 3. When writing
history essays, will you use "B.C./A.D" or "B.C.E./C.E."? Why?
4. What elements of our
calendar's history surprise you the most?
5. Determine the number of
the current year based upon another calendar.
6. Investigate the Chinese
calendar, or one from another culture. How was it kept in sync with the
solar year? How is the date for a major cultural or religious
celebration--such as Passover (Judaism) or Ramadan (Islam)--determined?
7. What is "the millennium"
in some Christians' belief? Does it specifically relate to the year 2000
A.D.? Why, or why not?
8. What drawing, diagram or
picture would help children to understand this lesson? Make an illustration
that you believe would aid them.
Part Two: Questions and Project
1. How many months are in
the Jewish calendar? The Islamic calendar? How was the Julian calendar's
"minutes then hours then days ahead" problem avoided by these calendars?
2. What are the names of
the months and weeks in Spanish or some other language? Interview a friend
or relative who speaks the language. Do they have the same origin as in
3. People also group
calendar years. We use decades, centuries and millennia. Does it make sense
to organize history by years ending with zeros? Is our historical
understanding helped by talking about life "in the 60's"--as if 1960-69 were
a distinct historical period? Is our understanding of historical situations
and cultural periods distorted by using "round numbers" in this way? Or, are
they necessary if we are to remember things at all? Do we attribute mystical
significance to them?
4. Why was no one in
England or her American colonies born between September 2nd and 14th, 1752?
Were people in France and Spain born between these dates? Did George
Washington really lose days out of his life?
5. Why was there resistance
to the Gregorian calendar? Where did it last the longest?
6. Think of "Friday the
13th." Is the time fearful to anyone you know? Does it affect their
behavior? How can such fears be overcome?
7. What drawing, diagram or
picture would help children to understand this lesson? Make an illustration
that you believe would aid them.
Most of the information is based on material from David Ewing Duncan's book
Calendar: Humanity's Epic Struggle to Determine a True and Accurate Year
(Avon, 1998) and Stephen Jay Gould's book Questioning the Millennium: A
Rationalist's Guide to a Precisely Arbitrary Countdown (Harmony Books,
1997). William Bennetta and Anne Westwater provided helpful suggestions.