This extensive site provides academic information and teaching materials in
support of:
1. educational commitment to U.S. pluralism
2. just acknowledgment that public schools are for students
of all worldviews, whether religious or nonreligious, and
3. the professional understanding that public school
teachers need to abide by a scrupulous neutrality regarding
The site is a worldview-neutral resource designed to serve professional educators [teachers,
administrators, college professors, and curriculum developers]
especially in the areas of history, social studies, and religious
studies. The emphasis is on planning and conducting instruction
within U.S. public schools, but site content may also be of interest to
others. Elements of the nonreligious worldview are succinctly presented
along with comparable aspects of historical deism and seven major world
religions. The site features a compilation of teaching guidance from
varied sources to help teachers deal academically and impartially with
diverse human worldviews. On-line self-instruction for teachers,
position papers, handy Web links, and other materials are also
accessible at the site.
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This ERIC lesson helps students come to understand the prejudices and
discrimination that have existed throughout history and continue as
negative aspects of our society today.
Political developments leave a clear trace in the life of a nation,
usually marked by legislative mileposts like the Fourteenth Amendment,
which dictates equal protection for all, and the Nineteenth Amendment,
which gave women the right to vote. But such developments have a
cultural dimension as well, often evident in the attitudes and
assumptions implicit in political arguments.
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Free lessons that focus on Socrates and the Law. Eight lessons
on the themes (1) To learn about Socrates and his significance within
Western civilization; (2) To analyze the arguments on the rule of law
that Socrates presents in the Crito; (3) To explore the claims of
law on personal conscience; (4) To consider the relationship between
individual rights and the rule of law in contemporary society.