free offer for instructors of methods classes!
We are offering free to college instructors of
methods courses in history,
social studies, science (or other subjects in a teacher education curriculum) this
hardback edition of Professor
Gerald Larue's text Freethought Across the
Centuries. If you are a methods teacher in some other discipline than
the three listed, you may also qualify. You will need to advise us how you
envision using the text.
This special offer is made in order to provide valuable
background to instructors who work with prospective teachers. The
offer is an affirmative gesture to remedy a shortcoming in how most educators
have learned to conceptualize the topic of "Religion" as it relates to
the school curriculum.
Behind the Offer
oft-neglected aspect of the subject of "religion in history and
society" is the important history of freethought. Larue's college textbook
is one that brings this disregarded domain to front and center. It imparts
background that will enlighten methods instructors concerning their handling of
religion as subject matter.
committed to religious pluralism, and we seek to influence methods teachers to
deal with the potentially divisive subject of religion in a manner that keeps a
"level playing field" for the various human worldviews and strives for
harmony across the citizenry. In fact, we would
like to change educators' conceptualization of Teaching about Religion to
one of Teaching about Worldviews. Such a shift overrides what is otherwise
a dualism (belief/nonbelief) and can empower teachers to civic inclusiveness
while reducing tendencies toward a partiality that is, in the United States,
unconstitutional. [For elaboration, visit
Teaching about Religion with a
View to Diversity, a Web resource that is dedicated to a professional presentation for educators
regarding the arena of worldview education.]
The idea that Teaching about Religion
is to focus only on religious worldviews is entrenched. The notion that
such teaching must also include teaching about the nonreligious
worldviews is essentially counterintuitive. However, for sound civic and
academic reasons,
methods teachers need to accept that Teaching about Religion in public education
must follow an approach that is genuinely impartial and inclusive in its
To date, in our culture, individuals who hold
nonreligious worldviews tend to be
stigmatized and shunned, or at least marginalized. Hence, the nonreligious worldview is
often not taken seriously in collegiate religious studies and/or in classes on teaching about
religion except by the most serious and impartial of academicians.
Objective scholars recognize that one must go beyond the intuitive (limited by
the language) to what is academically responsible in imparting sound
understanding concerning the religion (worldview) domain.
Please feel free to make this offer known to your
colleagues. You may also want to consider the paperback
version for use as a student text. Different
Drummers: Nonconforming Thinkers in History is an ideal companion for
the Larue text.
We will continue this offer until our supplies of the
hardback version of the text are exhausted. Orders will be processed in
the order received until we run out. Incidentally, if you are interested
in buying additional copies of the text (e.g., for the library or for class
use), it is available at Amazon.com
for $19.95 (soft cover). The hardback version of our free offer here must
be purchased direct from the publisher, The Humanist Press ($27.95).
Please complete the following form.