Different Drummers



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Different Drummers (DD):
Thinkers in History

A Free Teaching Resource

More than 300 pages of professionally developed classroom-tested teaching materials for including both religious and nonreligious worldviews when teaching about religion in history and/or social studies.

Lessons and activities that...

bullet address nonconformist thinking [religion, politics, science] in history and within society
bullet foster academic neutrality regarding teaching about religion and nonreligion
bullet nurture civic pluralism and counter religious intolerance

The Different Drummers teaching materials are "print-it-yourself" free or they can be purchased at a reasonable price (cost of printing). They are designed for use at middle grades or high school levels, and some elementary teachers use selected items (e.g., the stories).

10 concept lessons,
9 story lessons,
15 learning activities, 
a timeline of history,
a set of 34 picture cards, and two booklets of teacher background information

Why use Different Drummers teaching materials?  (Teaching Goals)


To cultivate students' respect for people’s freedom to think freely and hold unfamiliar or dissimilar religious and philosophical beliefs


To increase students’ awareness of the great diversity of human thought


To foster students’ commitment to safeguarding within society personal independence of thought and freedom for both religious and nonreligious convictions 


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Instructional Systems, Fort Sutter Station P.O. 163418, Sacramento, CA 95816

Email: OABITAR@aol.com

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Last Updated 5/15/2005

Supported by OABITAR (Objectivity, Accuracy, and Balance In Teaching About Religion)
    a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization